Digging, digging, digging. Such tenacity ought to be rewarded, so one hopes they find what they’re looking for.
I see Guff now wants to deny what I referred to in comments here about how “for over 2 years now, [he has] insulted and misrepresented me,” etc.
He will, of course, continue to deny his puerile antics but the record is there on several blogs over a period of time. For example:
... What a pompous piece of shit. Shotgun Stam taking it upon himself to speak for Dork, Three Minute, Ratbag and his other bigot mates.
You just don’t get it do you Shotgun? You’re their bitch. Right? Like with Roslyn Ross. When they suck, YOU suck.
Posted by: Geoff Pahoff - Friday, October 05, 2007 at 14:39
‘Shotgun Stam’ is a little ditty Guff composed about me which had been sprayed liberally around Harry Heidelberg’s kramgasse blog, and was, with such courage, anonymously reprised here several times, e.g.,
Anonymous said...
Shotgun Stam
I’ve sucked down a dungy deal of dirt through out my worthless life
With all my grand accomplishments I couldn’t tell left from right,
The thing I most excel in is shepherding the fascist to the fight,
A noise all over the ‘net for sure, but ne’er an honest opinion in my own name.
For Shotgun Stam is my name, Rooting for the bullies is my game
For sucking up islamofascist lies, any degenerate regime will do,
Shotgun Stam is my name, pissing on democracies is my game
Good enough for Damo, Dork and all of them boys, and you can bet for sure you know Roslyn Ross too.
The way I gain’d my title’s by a hobby which I’ve got,
Of never letting a critic of my nazi mates pass without a shot,
Whosoever thinks for themselves are treated all the same;
You don’t like terrorists, tyants, slavers and the filthy stew that spawns them?
I’ve got nothing to say to you, you filthy racist slime.
10/10/07 1:51 PM
Hmmm... all the wit and charm of an infant fingerpainting the nursery wall with his own faeces.
Guff wrapped up his trolling of my site on that occasion with:
Anonymous said...
Fuck off Stam. These are important matters to be discussed and you’re not qualified to take part.
11/10/07 6:09 PM
As I noted in reponse, it seems the only person “qualified” also happens to be a fraud and prevaricator.
Anyway, overall I don’t think my approach to Guff in that comment below was at all over the top, by any stretch.
Note: This update appears ‘below the fold’ because I don’t want this blog’s front page lowered by all this crap.