Friday, September 08, 2006

jungle 2 jungle

A bloke called Jeremy, who has a blog called Dispatches From the Moderate Left, has reviewed an article I myself reviewed back in December here.

The article was by James McConvill, published in The Australian on 26 December 2005, under the title, “Law of the Jungle is the Best Regulator”. The title gives a good idea of the thrust of it. The piece is no longer (freely) available on the Oz website, but can be downloaded as a MS Word document here.

Jeremy’s discussion is from an ‘economics’ perspective, as opposed to my more tortuous philosophical ramblings. Interesting read. Thanks, Jeremy.

Goat Friday


Yes... there is a god!! But I digress...

Aid agencies such as Oxfam and World Vision have online gift shops whereby customers can buy gifts of livestock, vegetable gardens, medical equipment, and other ‘items’ extremely useful for developing communities. The idea is that the recipient of the gift, perhaps a friend or child, gets a certificate and warm inner glow, while the actual purchased item is given to people or communities in the developing world.

“Goat Gifting,” says Oxfam Australia, “is a wise investment choice.” And at only AU$39 each, Goat Gifting is great value for money.

Communities can start with one and end up with a herd. Best of all, the first female kid is given to another family and the process starts all over again. A sensible gift for the big kid in all of us.

Not convinced? Well, read the testimonial...

“Having goats has really improved our lives. They don’t need any special food and very quickly become a source of income. They also breed very quickly and we can share them with others.”

- Kamala Anruradhapura, Sri Lanka.

But as with any other valuable investment, one can’t afford to dilly-dally...

(display model shown)

Oh no! – We’ve ‘sold out’ of this item.

Due to the popularity of Unwrapped, unfortunately this item is currently not available. Click here to find other clever gift ideas.



The question I submitted for the FAQs in the company e-bulletin didn’t appear in the latest e-dition – although I may or may not have detected an ironic tone in the cheerful remark to “keep the questions coming”.

And I haven’t so far experienced any untoward career consequences.

How boring...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Whoops, goofed again

Prime Minister John Howard:

“It is truly an employees’ market like never before.”

If he doesn’t turn that around quick-smart, his core constituency will make him pay dearly.

JFK, then Diana, now ... Steve Irwin

“It is even possible that Irwin’s death may become our very own Kennedy moment, given that his greatest fans are all children and they will grow up carrying with them their memories of the day...”

“Steve Irwin’s shocking death has stirred up hysteria comparable to the aftermath of Princess Diana’s demise almost a decade ago. ... Like Diana’s death, the assassination of John F Kennedy or the murder of John Lennon, people can remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard Irwin had died...”

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Felicitous feng shui seascape

[Click to Enlarge]

Old Granite Quarry, near Cape Woolamai,
Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia.

I’m not sure about the feng shui of this coastal scene,
but it looks quite felicitous to my albeit untrained eye.

Previous seascape post:
The universe at bay

Oberon’s eye view

[Click to Enlarge]

Mount Oberon
Wilson’s Promontory
Victoria, Australia
Elevation 558 metres
Looking south-east from the summit
April 2006

Previous Oberon posts:
Oberon reborn
Bottom revisits Oberon

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bad feng shui

What is wrong in this picture?

[Click to enlarge]

The answer is that the gas cooking range has been situated opposite the wet area. This has put fire and water into opposition and conflict.

Accordingly, this house can not – will not – be a happy home.

Practitioners of feng shui who, as prospective purchasers or tenants of this house, are shown this kitchen, will instantly begin to make their way to the door, while politely but firmly asking to be shown another house.

As far as practitioners of feng shui are concerned, this general design is the kiss of death for this house.

Planets cry too

There’s a poignant letter in today’s Sunday Age by a sensitive 7-year-old future-Byron, who is “sad and cross that Pluto isn’t a planet any more”.

Not only is young Rory Burg of Wheelers Hill a poet, but he’s also a budding polemicist. He argues cogently, “It doesn’t matter that Pluto is so small because Mercury is a small planet too, and the accretion field wouldn’t let Pluto into our galaxy unless it was a planet.”

Rory concludes: “The astronomers are just being bullies.” Hear, hear!

Finally, Rory delivers his valediction for Pluto:

Little Pluto
So small and sweet
Dancing with the comets
In a night that never ends.

Sad Pluto
Spinning, tilted orbit
Watching, hoping
For the sun to warm you.

Scared Pluto
But still so brave
Who knows what you can see
So close to other galaxies.

Cold Pluto
I love you so
When I am big
I’ll make you a planet again.

Angry Pluto
Teased and bullied
The comets cry
Wipe your eyes with stars
And tell Saturn to love you.

Sweet Pluto
As small as I am
But bigger inside
Dream of a new family,
Of shooting stars and comet

Beautiful Pluto
I will miss you …

So will we all. Hats off to Rory.