Monday, April 13, 2009

from the vault

Activists of the mid-1970s Australian clandestine CB radio movement gather at a secret location. The gentleman on the right, Tony X, had bright career prospects in the electronics industry so wished to protect his identity. The gentleman second-from-left, Ross X (not related), was given to living on the edge and wore his heart on his beloved Austin A-40.


The Young Guitarist’s Progress
Pete (right) at McLaren Vale, SA, c. 1984.


Irreverence at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, c. 1977.

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Blogger Caz said...

That's the cool thing about the War Memorial, tanks to play on!

16/4/09 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One and only warning:

Kathy Farrelly has been dropping turds on the doorstep of our blog. We have asked her quite nicely (at first) not to do so, but now we have been forced to turn moderation on. If she comes back, ever, we will spam every blog we know that she has ever contributed to - obviously, including the blog where this message appears as comment, but 10* whatever she drops on us. Sorry - but not too sorry; blame it on Farrelly.

17/4/09 6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One and only warning(2):":

What a bitch, eh?
You know what, ID HOLM?
I think it was a bit of a mistake to pay any attention too her at all. She thrives on it. My guess is, that she would probably have tired of this nonsense had you ignored her.
Now that she knows that she has gotten under your skin... ???
Don't really think she is going to care two hoots whatever blog you spam..
It's all a game to her..

Posted by Anonymous to webdiary_not-so-libre at Apr 17, 2009 1:51:00 PM

We asked her to leave; she doesn't. It's not a matter of 'getting under our skin,' it's a matter of ethics.

17/4/09 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One and only warning(2):":


If you are so serious about your cause, why not post under your real names?

Or... Is it all a game to you.
Just like it is for me?

Posted by Anonymous to webdiary_not-so-libre at Apr 17, 2009 2:19:00 PM

anonymous adj. 1 of unknown name or authorship. 2 without character; featureless.  anonymity n. [Greek an- without, onoma name]

anorak n. waterproof usu. hooded jacket. [Eskimo]

anorexia n. lack of appetite, esp. (in full anorexia nervosa) an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.  anorexic adj. & n. [Greek an- without, orexis appetite]

another —adj. 1 an additional; one more (another cake). 2 person like (another Hitler). 3 a different (another matter). 4 some other (another man's work). —pron. additional, other, or different person or thing. [earlier an other]

answer —n. 1 something said or done in reaction to a question, statement, or circumstance. 2 solution to a problem. —v. 1 make an answer or response (to) (answer the door). 2 suit (a purpose or need). 3 (foll. by to, for) be responsible (you will answer to me for your conduct). 4 (foll. by to) correspond, esp. to a description.  answer back answer insolently. [Old English, = swear against (a charge)]

answerable adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to, for) responsible (answerable to them for any accident). 2 that can be answered.

answering machine n. tape recorder which answers telephone calls and takes messages.

answerphone n. = *answering machine.

ant n. small usu. wingless insect living in complex social colonies and proverbial for industry. [Old English]

-ant suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting attribution of an action (repentant) or state (arrogant). 2 forming agent nouns (assistant). [Latin -ant-, present participial stem of verbs]

antacid —adj. preventing or correcting acidity. —n. antacid agent.

antagonism n. active hostility. [French: related to *agony]

antagonist n. opponent or adversary.  antagonistic adj.

antagonize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make hostile; provoke.

Antarctic —adj. of the south polar regions. —n. this region. [Latin: related to *Arctic]

Antarctic Circle n. parallel of latitude 66° 32´ S., forming an imaginary line round the Antarctic region.

ante —n. 1 stake put up by a player in poker etc. before receiving cards. 2 amount payable in advance. —v. (-tes, -ted) 1 put up as an ante. 2 US a bet, stake. b (foll. by up) pay.

ante- prefix before, preceding. [Latin, = before]

anteater n. any of various mammals feeding on ants and termites.

antecedent —n. 1 preceding thing or circumstance. 2 Gram. word or phrase etc. to which another word (esp. a relative pronoun) refers. 3 (in pl.) person's past history or ancestors. —adj. previous. [Latin cedo go]

antechamber n. ante-room.

antedate v. (-ting) 1 precede in time. 2 assign an earlier than actual date to.

antediluvian adj. 1 of the time before the Flood. 2 colloq. very old or out of date. [from *ante-, Latin diluvium deluge]

antelope n. (pl. same or -s) swift-moving deerlike ruminant, e.g. the gazelle and gnu. [Greek antholops]

antenatal adj. 1 before birth. 2 of pregnancy.

antenna n. 1 (pl. -tennae) each of a pair of feelers on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc. 2 (pl. -s) = *aerial n. [Latin, = sail-yard]

antepenultimate adj. last but two.

ante-post adj. (of betting) done at odds determined at the time of betting, in advance of the event concerned. [from *ante-, *post1]

anterior adj. 1 nearer the front. 2 (often foll. by to) prior. [Latin from ante before]

ante-room n. small room leading to a main one.

anthem n. 1 elaborate choral composition usu. based on a passage of scripture. 2 solemn hymn of praise etc., esp. = *national anthem. [Latin: related to *antiphon]

anther n. part of a stamen containing pollen. [Greek anthos flower]

anthill n. moundlike nest built by ants or termites.

anthology n. (pl. -ies) collection of poems, essays, stories, etc.  anthologist n. [Greek anthos flower, -logia collection]

anthracite n. hard type of coal burning with little flame and smoke. [Greek: related to *anthrax]

17/4/09 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "One and only warning(2):":


If you are so serious about your cause, why not post under your real names?

Or... Is it all a game to you.
Just like it is for me?

Posted by Anonymous to webdiary_not-so-libre at Apr 17, 2009 2:19:00 PM

anonymous adj. 1 of unknown name or authorship. 2 without character; featureless.  anonymity n. [Greek an- without, onoma name]

anorak n. waterproof usu. hooded jacket. [Eskimo]

anorexia n. lack of appetite, esp. (in full anorexia nervosa) an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.  anorexic adj. & n. [Greek an- without, orexis appetite]

another —adj. 1 an additional; one more (another cake). 2 person like (another Hitler). 3 a different (another matter). 4 some other (another man's work). —pron. additional, other, or different person or thing. [earlier an other]

answer —n. 1 something said or done in reaction to a question, statement, or circumstance. 2 solution to a problem. —v. 1 make an answer or response (to) (answer the door). 2 suit (a purpose or need). 3 (foll. by to, for) be responsible (you will answer to me for your conduct). 4 (foll. by to) correspond, esp. to a description.  answer back answer insolently. [Old English, = swear against (a charge)]

answerable adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to, for) responsible (answerable to them for any accident). 2 that can be answered.

answering machine n. tape recorder which answers telephone calls and takes messages.

answerphone n. = *answering machine.

ant n. small usu. wingless insect living in complex social colonies and proverbial for industry. [Old English]

-ant suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting attribution of an action (repentant) or state (arrogant). 2 forming agent nouns (assistant). [Latin -ant-, present participial stem of verbs]

antacid —adj. preventing or correcting acidity. —n. antacid agent.

antagonism n. active hostility. [French: related to *agony]

antagonist n. opponent or adversary.  antagonistic adj.

antagonize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make hostile; provoke.

Antarctic —adj. of the south polar regions. —n. this region. [Latin: related to *Arctic]

Antarctic Circle n. parallel of latitude 66° 32´ S., forming an imaginary line round the Antarctic region.

ante —n. 1 stake put up by a player in poker etc. before receiving cards. 2 amount payable in advance. —v. (-tes, -ted) 1 put up as an ante. 2 US a bet, stake. b (foll. by up) pay.

ante- prefix before, preceding. [Latin, = before]

anteater n. any of various mammals feeding on ants and termites.

antecedent —n. 1 preceding thing or circumstance. 2 Gram. word or phrase etc. to which another word (esp. a relative pronoun) refers. 3 (in pl.) person's past history or ancestors. —adj. previous. [Latin cedo go]

antechamber n. ante-room.

antedate v. (-ting) 1 precede in time. 2 assign an earlier than actual date to.

antediluvian adj. 1 of the time before the Flood. 2 colloq. very old or out of date. [from *ante-, Latin diluvium deluge]

antelope n. (pl. same or -s) swift-moving deerlike ruminant, e.g. the gazelle and gnu. [Greek antholops]

antenatal adj. 1 before birth. 2 of pregnancy.

antenna n. 1 (pl. -tennae) each of a pair of feelers on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc. 2 (pl. -s) = *aerial n. [Latin, = sail-yard]

antepenultimate adj. last but two.

ante-post adj. (of betting) done at odds determined at the time of betting, in advance of the event concerned. [from *ante-, *post1]

anterior adj. 1 nearer the front. 2 (often foll. by to) prior. [Latin from ante before]

ante-room n. small room leading to a main one.

anthem n. 1 elaborate choral composition usu. based on a passage of scripture. 2 solemn hymn of praise etc., esp. = *national anthem. [Latin: related to *antiphon]

anther n. part of a stamen containing pollen. [Greek anthos flower]

anthill n. moundlike nest built by ants or termites.

anthology n. (pl. -ies) collection of poems, essays, stories, etc.  anthologist n. [Greek anthos flower, -logia collection]

anthracite n. hard type of coal burning with little flame and smoke. [Greek: related to *anthrax]

17/4/09 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Phil - it's like a girly jelly punch up. Cheap thrills. Very cheap. Your wiggly-wobbly ethical bits are showing.

17/4/09 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


17/4/09 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


17/4/09 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


17/4/09 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous says that anonymous has left a new comment.
Absolutely bloody brilliant don't you think?
Perhaps it was Craig Rowley posting under the banner of Orana Gelar?(seriously is that a name or what>?) Or more likely Phil Kendall posting as ID Holm or his usual alias anonymous!
Look here for more entertaining fluff.

17/4/09 11:10 PM  

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