Thursday, December 03, 2009

Copernicus lives?

Well, no... but we may be hearing more from him at any rate.

Asked yesterday whether he ‘believes’ in the science behind anthropogenic climate change, Senator Barnaby Joyce replied:

I never believed the science is settled. If the science was settled, Copernicus would be dead. [...thinks for a second...] Sorry, he is dead — he would have been killed!

It’s fairly certain Barnaby never really thought Copernicus was still alive.

But historians of science will await with keen anticipation Barnaby’s revelations concerning the hitherto unknown contribution of Copernicus to climate science.

And how that great scholar would have been killed for it, presumably by rogue bands of climate scientists who felt threatened by the new Copernican climatology.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does Che, Elvis, Adolf, Mao, Jimi and Winne the Pooh - but I'm not so sure about Macolm Turnbull.


4/12/09 3:03 PM  
Blogger Father Park said...

Copernican Climatology? That must be allied to Galilean Global Warming.

It is little known that Copernican Climatology was first defended by Johannes Keppler in his Mysterium Climagraphicum back about the turn of the 17th century.

Known sceptic of all and more than sundry, Nick Minchin, is still waiting for Copernicus to recant. Nick feels that the science behind the notion of the sun as the centre of the Solar System is yet to be "proven".

Good ol' Barnaby still has the seer come out to the property and read the entrails of his slaughtered sheep. The science of liver lobe reading is, apparently, quite solid...

4/12/09 9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor sheep.


8/12/09 8:55 PM  
Anonymous murfreesboro tn homes said...

Very interesting article!

9/12/09 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Dual Monitor said...

It is little known that Copernican Climatology was first defended by Johannes Keppler in his Mysterium Climagraphicum back about the turn of the 17th century.

Known sceptic of all and more than sundry, Nick Minchin, is still waiting for Copernicus to recant. Nick feels that the science behind the notion of the sun as the centre of the Solar System is yet to be "proven".

Good ol' Barnaby still has the seer come out to the property and read the entrails of his slaughtered sheep. The science of liver lobe reading is, apparently, quite solid...

----- Good Comment!

9/12/09 6:00 PM  
Blogger Caz said...


Barnaby's a hoot.

Should go into stand-up.

14/12/09 9:09 PM  

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